Observation - Acknowledgement - Recognition
First of all, it should be easy and simple to report an observation. This could be a near-miss incident, accident, a personal threat or damage to property or equipment which will affect the employee's or others working environment.
To ensure credibility and trust of the user, it is possible to send a system acknowledgment and/or user recognition.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec euismod leo, eu fringilla lorem.

Nudging is a module which, at defined intervals and scope, distributes information, advice or instructions to influence a specific behavior among users.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec euismod leo, eu fringilla lorem.

Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge sharing is a high priority because experience shows that a large part of incoming observations can be shared without demanding further case management. This creates definite value for both the company and employees, in the quest to reduce injuries and absenteeism.

Action - Feedback
Actions must be able to be launched without delay. This provides a powerful impact to initiate simple measures for the benefit of all.

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